Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I've been waiting too ....  right here on this bcnch

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

In the beginning,  well,   I suppose that there might have been a beginning,  ya think ?
But whether there actually was or not,  you choose to start somewhere.  And that is where ever you find you are!   In this picture below,  I am actually at the shipping
                                    As I was standing here at the Postal Service,  waiting for "service"

I decided to get someone to take my picture.   Mainly because very,  very recently I have experienced some shifting around of "yours truly"  and found I was quite a lot like " Dorothy"  in the Wizard of Oz.   No kidding.   Some "Twilight Zone" experiences.  Honest injun !

All this time ( and it seems like an "eternity",)  my computer has been doing some weird
changing as well.   Some ( most) of them I am keeping.  That glaring change, by my computer ( unsolicited) made my "journey to the end of the earth" " more " devastating.  There seemed to be ( not only seemed,  but really wasn't)  a "thing I could do" about it.  

Still,  at this moment,  I find erratic stuff in my midst,  but know  I will definitely "carry on",  and  see- me- through what and where this experience takes me

"If You See my Darling with Somebody New,  Just Keep it a Secret Whatever You Do".....
 I wonder if  "any" of you around the globe recognizes this song ?   It's terribly,  terribly old.  Do you,  ...recognize it ?

The plan for this new venue is to focus on how "WORDS" have "enormous" power, rendering  us the opportunity to be the conductor/orchestra tor  of our own being.  The actual " FACT"   is that is exactly what we are ,  anyway, ( we "R" our own conductors)   but no one realizes it.  So "stick with me" in these next few pages/blogs of   " WORDS R MAGIC",  There are going to be a few surprises !!   "Absolutely"...... ( a wonder-ful)  word in it's own right.  Imagination,  that word too  has lots of potential.  "  TRUST",  yet another great stepping stone.

Til then,  bye-bye !

My new link is  I plan to hook-u-up to adventure and excitement.  Are you ready ?   I advise you to "sleep on it".   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!

with  _   ( A Wink & a Smile_) ...................................................:)

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