Sunday, October 25, 2015

Evander Holyfield
Morning everyone,  any resemblance ?

by:  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _  author/publisher

Do I look anything like Evander Holyfield ?   Well,  I think not!   "BUT",   for the past  2  months at least,  this name has been coming to me,  repeatedly !     I hear it and usually,  I chuckle.   I chuckle,   because I have been "in training" for years upon years for the  "emancipation" of my "heart" and "soul".    As I walk the highways and by ways,   day after day,  enhancing this body and giving it the strength to "endure" practically anything.   I just waltzed into this activity quite unsuspectingly.    Hadn't a "clue" how long or how far or how much to walk from the get-go !  

This "training"  began in Glendale CA,  three years ago.  At  4:00 am,  I struck out,  (with my walker) walking out of Leisure Vale Assisted Living,  turning left  and strolled up the hills on sidewalks among beautiful homes.   Often I came upon,  sprinklers coming on automatically and had to make a little detour or remember to go across the other side of the street.   It is the "greatest" time to be out,  at night or as was my practice,  early in the am.   Birds,  birds chirping in their very own trees.   The moon and skies were breath-taking.   The air was fresh.  Fresh air because,  there were no cars emitting fumes from their exhausts.  I signed out of the building at L. V. and bid adoo to the night receptionists.   What a jolly,  friendly ,  very nice set of receptionists,  that I had the privilege of knowing .   There was Josie and Hasmik.   I am so indebted to them for LIFE.

My "greatests" personal discoveries came from that "robust" walk up and down the the hills of 
Glendale communties.  There were plenty of street lights.   I walked usually around 45 minutes.
My "entire"  WORLD,  inside and outside began to change.   

So,  now here in Ojai,  CA,   I continue to walk,  but not at night anymore,  since it's pitch black in this country surrounding where I live.   I do,  however get up and shower and head out the door as early as possible.  ( 6:30-7:00 am).   I always take my camera and get shots of the joggers,  horses in stable,  doggies on leashes,  vistas that are spectacular.   Walking,   for me,  is MORE than an excersize,  it's a way of LIFE and the benefits ,  I repeat have given me "newness" of Life and a "stout" body comes along with the "DEAL".  Very few times  ( very few- I can count on one hand),  have I had to take a break.  Not from tiredness or "physicality",   but my "emotions"  warranted a period of "quietness" within.    Sitting _still,   and just simply waiting,  not really knowing what for,   just waiting.   I learned  "SO"  many things by just _ "sitting still",   no noises ,  nothing turned on,   making certain  everything was perfectly " STILL.     Just the "sweet sound of "quietness" and your own "soul".

I started this "TRAINING"  ( Evander Holyfield training),  in 2013.   It will soon be 2016 !   And today I continue to walk with oodles of pictures,  blogs and delightful friends & animals,  ( i.e, horses  ( Darth and Luke & Red,)  &  (Fred  _doggie & his master)   ( Jaimie with baby "Clare Rose" inside her tummy ),   (Dennis,  a friend recovering from a fall resulting in breaking a hip)  and so many more under my belt.   A litany of  "TREASURES"  simply from walking "TRAINING"
if you will !!!   ( These friends picture & their stories, I mentioned can be found on  "ONE STEP CLOSER", ____ by Kat ( Mary) Carlson  ( me) ................. :)

*   Happy  Trails  *  

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ......................................................................................................................:) 

Update  :    In looking back,  the "Evander Holyfield"  shout out from beyond,  probably had to do with the  "fighting back spirit"  from inside me,   and refusal to surrender to  non-violence. !  I also heard from within  " War is Not the Answer" know, that song,   Brother ,  brother,  war is not the answer  !!!!!   I fought my own self,  tooth and nail.  It developed so many years ago,   I didn't even recognize what I was doing to myself.   I am Evander Holyfield ______  no more !!!

Friday, October 23, 2015


A new coat of paint,   a fresh new start for yours truly ....  

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson  _ author/publiser

Howdy folks !   .... "TGIF " ......  Ya know,  I can't really relate to having a weekend or Friday,
but I know most or plenty of you guys out there in this world,  do!    So,  I hopped aboard the
friendly crowd of worker bees,  and support your busy lives and everything that entails.  

Being retired is a kick.  I am just now "loving it".   I am also getting acquainted with this community of peoples in Ojai and Ventura.  Plans are in the making for activities outside my home.

Now,  Is "freedom"  really all it is cracked up to be ?   When  I discussed my newfound "freedom"  with my "Creator" and the final emancipation of my "soul",   I went this direction in my mind.   So,  am I  really and truly "free" if you created my mind that ultimately chose you as my Master..   What about "autonomy" ?   In a way,  I feel violated again.  There's no "privacy" !    You know my every thought ,  because you give me those thoughts to begin with.   How is that real freedom ?   Now,  I know that  I can't go anywhere or do anything or think anything,  without you having somehow guided my steps ?   I am on a path with" restraints".    Yikes,  the dreaded restraints !    I DON'T WANT THOSE !!!    What restraints was the answer,  ____ "you know ,  rules like ,  _  uh,  __   oh yeah,   like,  _ PEACE,  and  REST,  and  Love,   ooops,  ,  yeah,  strike that."     Guess I am in "excellent " territory after all.    This is "autonomy" at it's best.   I was only a "little" reluctant to begin taking this approach/position with "ONE" so LOVING and GIVING and POWERFUL.    Always I am thankful that I can question my station as a human being with the very  "POWER"  that saw fit to create it.    I value "LIFE",   but I didn't always.    Didn't have a Life of my own.   So,  I salute the "ability to question" &  even "rebel"  against  before accepting anyone "concept" or anything into your heart and mind!   Just rake it over the coals.   After all,  what have you got to lose ?    We both know the answer to that !   Precious cargo !!!

So,  now,  I begin striking out _"on my own"_  after being "imprisoned"   the whole of my LIFE.  Oh  JOY,   what's next ?   ......................................:)

Have a "great"  weekend !!!   Who's ready for Halloween ?

( If you have read other blogs I've written about Peace,  Rest,  Joy, Love, etc.,  First my "SPIRIT"  was healed ,  then came my "soul".   )

check them out _,,  All in the archives ( 8/14-1/15) on , even more blogs are available on Living Words and I Support Life.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Good morning,  friends around the world 

by:  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _ author/publisher

On many,  many occasions,   I receive "words"  out of the air.   Several days ago,  the word was postulate.   I looked it up.  Now, I am discovering why they come to me and how I can use them to
enhance understand what's really going on in my Life.   Others were "replete" ( I looked that up)
and found out what that meant.   Surprised that I was,  that it meant,  hey,  enough already.  You have plenty of the word of GOD, in you.  Repeating more scripture, etc.  isn't what's necessary.   I already know enough and am sure enough of the reliability of our "creator" to sink a ship !  Ha ha !

Another was "extrapolate",  that too explained why I needed to rely on what I know-to-be-true,  and
use that knowledge.  So, again a word keeps popping up.  I'll take it to task,  and begin to express
the true experiences I keep running into.  To "postulate"  is to assume something is true when it isn't.
Words are sooooo powerful.  For years and years,  I wake up or go-to-bed, or whatever,  my body starts to lose "part of me".  Now, after knowing the wonderful power and reliability of God,  and this keeps on happening,  it cannot be Him and now I KNOW, that's it's neither one.  Throughout Life,  when my emotions or psyche can't handle or express it's true feelings,  that part of me,  just purely evacuates my being.   You know, we all have something that just doesn't seem to work right.  After this happened this morning and I "talked-to-God about it,  I began to stop that tactic and realize this is not God's doing,  This is my Life and I have to deal with it.  So,  I talked to me.  Now,  I am starting to get it.  

I will wait for that to return to me.  It's somewhere in the universe,  but it always returns to me and fills the spaces in my brain.  I am completely sure my "spirit" is whole.  But my soul has some issues with emotions.  And for now,  it is what it is.   I mustered enough courage to take on what's true and not simply wait for God to explain it or do whatever I thought He did,  to make that happen.  So,  it's not Him,  but it is a part of who I am. God isn't punishing me.  He stopped that long ago.  So the "only" explanation that makes sense to me,  is it's me,  pure & simple!   I take responsibilty for this "malady" and now I can .  I do not like it one single bit.   But,  I can do it now.   I don't postulate anymore. 

So,  this morning,  I wait for the return of my psyche and go from there.   Asking for "clarity" is a real
eye-opener in all things.   Keeping on blaming God,  and then "praising God" is really a ploy from within.  And I for one,   get too emotional about the goodness of God for helping me.   Gee whiz,  that's the nature of one-so dear.   His goodness is constant,  that IS reliable!  

On a clear day,  rise and look around you and you'll see who you are .... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:)

Saturday, October 17, 2015


It's a "beautiful" morning .......nest paux ? 

by:  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _   author/publisher

I suppose everyone knows or has heard of absolution.   Have you ?  If you are Catholic,  no doubt you have run across that term before,  maybe a time or two.   When one is desparate or hard up for help,
it's customary to accept or reach out for something that you know will do the trick.  Hopefully,  that is the case,  anyway.   Well,   that is what I did.   After tons of Doctors,  hospitalizations, pills that don't work,
what's a body to do?  One day I decided,  to meditate,  concentrate on words.  I believed that our minds work like a computer and if I believed and put into my mind,  positive words or phrases,  and did it long enough and deep enough,  they would reach down inside me and "would" eventually change my life,  and heal me.

I was right.   The very first word I chose was "absolution",  don't even ask me why.   I'm not even sure I knew what it meant.   So, when I concentrated and really meditated,  believing this concept was REAL,
boy,  I discovered "GOD",  and drew back instantly,  repeating,   I don't want you,  I only want to be healed.   That complete honesty is what opened my LIFE to an extraordinary experience.  To this day, 30 years later,  I am benefiting from having an open and supremely fantastic relationship with a Deity who 
can only do things the way they should be,  because He is "LOVE".   I smile in my heart because,  now,  I know when He sets His heart and mind to something,  He does do it right,  lovingly, and completely.

I wonder how many times I've said to myself,  I should have only asked for 1/2 a healing or something that would have been accomplished sooner.   Now,  today,  this day,  many years of being handily handled by the POWER of my "Divine" Father,   I guess I know that He wouldn't even had considered that
kind of a contract.   Letting go of the stubborness and insistence of having my WAY,  is and was the hardest.   That willfulness is within and is set in stone.   It is what makes you & I sick.  I know now,  that
it isn't our fault that we exercise this willfulness,  the system is set up and designed by FEAR,  but only to protect us,  because we do not really know or believe in God's power of  awesome divine LOVE.  We
hardly ever see it demonstrated anywhere.  I have fought HIM tooth & nail.  Fought & fought & fought ....
and fought.   You & I do this believing in our own hearts that if we find things out about ourselves,  that for centuries we were led to believe "we could not handle the TRUTH".......sound familiar ?  Jack Nicholson in  I think  " A FEW GOOD MEN" ?

Don't you believe it !!!    You & I "can" handle the truth about ourselves,   come to grips with who we are and this above all,  "really and truly "LIKE" ourselves ",  with an enormous profound respect and devotion to "One So Dear and Awesome" .   That's not much to ask for,  since I have gotten so much more in return.  More than I ever IMAGINED was even POSSIBLE.   I "trust"  that you will open the door to your heart,  of course,  we even need HIS help letting HIM in.  It really isn't on our shoulders,  but we insist on helping,  we really do !  From somewhere deep inside......from FEAR believing it is the ultimate POWER of protection. 

We can and are now protected in our "heart of hearts" by the gift of "TRUE LOVE",  and nothing and no one can harm us and that includes ourselves.  That is the only way we can be harmed anyway,  by ourselves.   I have seen the "enemy" and the "enemy" is "ME".

See that "ant" on the stand in front,  what determination "ants" have... Holy Cow !!   

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)  ..........................................................................:)

Saturday, October 10, 2015


In the words of Robert DeNero:

                           " WHO YA"

There really is more than one way to make strides ......     :) 

                                                  May all of your days be "beautiful"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................................:)


Friday, October 9, 2015


        Maybe I can qualify for an old maid school teacher ? 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Maybe I could,   if you don't count my three grown sons and 6 grandchildren
plus there's those three great grandchildren.    :)    Anywho,  I did want to be a teacher many years ago. 

So,  I am using this forum for my chance at attempting to get across a few concepts I gleaned and am gleaning the last few years plus some before that
and then the ongoing subsequent years.   Perfunctory came to my mind and as I usually do,  I looked it up in Websters dictionary.

Perfunctory: _ to go about doing business without care or enthusiasm. Just happy to get through the day.    Being a believer in my creator God  ( going with God is synonymus with enthusiasm),  I almost got away with denying the fact that I admit to being perfunctory lately.    At least part of me.  Now,
that part is hard put in finding what I though I had already found.  

Having said that very thing,   I am reminded that that ( what I found)  is  
never lost.  So,  why do I keep looking,   who -the-heck knows ?  Well,  suffice it to say,  that I goof up a lot!  I stumble and fall,  then   get right back up again,
and then I stumble again.  It's "my life" so I can do what I want or look at what I want.  Examining "me"  was never a priority before,  I went right ahead following "Susie" or "Theresa" down the street and married and had children,  the whole nine yards,  the house with the picket fence,  etc.

I bumped headlong into years of depression (22).  Fortunately,  my children managed to put together lives that are deemed quite successful in this world.
It's my turn now.  Depression, a thing of the past and my soul is resting ( for the most part).  At the very core of my being, ( my heart)  there is PEACE,  and having that stationed there  ,  I get to explore and explore. 

Perfunctory,  you know,  life offers many variables.  "Perfunctorianism " is
just another one of them.  I can be dull,  excited, whatever,  it's life after all,
a mix of experiences.  I am happy I get to take it all in.


As long as I have established a "safe place" within,   I am restless at times too.   It
 can be exhilarating and scary.  my safe place ?    Is "LOVE "!

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .........................................................................:)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


        Hello everyone .....

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Definition of :  _"extrapolate",  .... to infer an unknown from something that is 
known, _ conjecture,  to estimate the value of a variable outside it's tabulated or observed  range.

In the event that "you" are struggling with obtaining something you desire
it's quite possible that you are exercising this word.  I believe you have
"seen" this "unknown"  and it's considered value.  Am I right ?  Do you
have a goal in mind ?  But up to now,  it's outside your grasp ?

Oh,  don't give up,  friend.  I decided to use a strategy myself to accomplish this goal of mine.   Waiting sometimes means,  "I will not wait any longer"
and it really is the time to act.  Exercising your own judgement.  
Always the choice is yours and mine to sense the measure of movement
on the desired result.   

When you & I I have done our "homework"  estimated the value or "extrapolation",   we take whatever strides is necessary to advance in 
reaching the desired goal.   In my case,  this time,  I am advancing
"kicking & screaming",  but with a "clear vision" of the "WORTH"
and it's properties.  Could anything be clearer ?  _ ha ha ! .......
a sense of humor opens doors and windows and let's the "fresh air"   
do it's thing. 

"Va ya con Dios,  my darling,  va ya con Dios my love"  a little song
might assist as well.

Happy trails ........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..........................................................:) 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Today's quip

            Ever hear a mother say to

            Frankie,   " Can't you ever sit

           still for a moment ?" ......... ask

           a "moment",    can't "you" ever sit 

           still ? ..................... 

" Kats 'n Quips "

Sunday, October 4, 2015


I' m back ...... 

by:  Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson _author/publisher

Once upon a time,  I Kat,  sat down at my laptop,  whipped out a blog
practically without a single notice to me.  Rarely did I go back and read those that I had written.( well,  editing, that sort of thing,  you know? )  Time changes things.  I changed.  And then,  "Life"  threw curve balls,  I choked,  then faced  facts,  I could not write at all.  With time and facing this unwelcomed fact,  I can and am getting back to NOT my old self,  but someone "new" to me.

I'm no speedy - Gonzales anymore.   It pleases me to be able to say that this morning.   To "wait",  now is very much who I am,   rather than something I had to make myself do.   It's comfortable.   I have the privilege to "experience"  "Life"  here and now.   No,   I hadn't the "knowledge" or "awareness"  that I was rushing through it.

Wait ........waiting !    Nothing is more true about "living" than the glaring
"fact"  that waiting "IS".   Just to "mix-it-up"  with phrases,  how's this ?
"CONSTANT change "  _   "KNOW - ledge"   _  ? ? ,   Then,  on purpose,  I speed things up  then slow down.   I then "switch" the type of "music",  different genres,  loudness,  softnessetc.    Intentionally,  I am a train wreck of my own making.  Maybe you don't believe this is "safe" for you.   then, do not do it!

The word "Know-ledge" is what I interpret to mean,  all the things you "DO",
know from your heart,   even if it's this fact " I don't know".   A basic "platform" for us humans is to admit to ourselves ,  " I don't know " .   The most helpful and courageous  " truth  is saying this when you need to.  This is
an example of "know-ledge",  something you know or have learned with experience.  " CONtent or ConTENT" WORDS",  they are,  and they are
useful in endless ways.  Anyone with me on this ?  Have you been helped
by the power of "WORDS"?   I HAVE !!   ( One example : 22 years of uncontrollable depression.)  It's gone now,  for "forever".................using only
"WORDS" ! 

There is  " Peace",  ....  I know !! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...............................................:)




Thursday, October 1, 2015


I choose to close up shop ....   

Other blogs from me may appear from time to time,  but they are not going to 

be about how anyone,  including me "should" do this or do that,  in order for 

us to feel something we don't feel,  be someone we are not,  think someway we 

don't,    It ocurred to me that there is "enough" of that sort of thing 

 " in the air"!

I do hope to write again and well,  I'll see what develops !   So long,   folks!

I certainly enjoy putting pen to hand,  so-to-speak!   Sharing with you daily

is fun! .......................................................

                                                One more picture,  for the road......