Thursday, October 22, 2015

Good morning,  friends around the world 

by:  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _ author/publisher

On many,  many occasions,   I receive "words"  out of the air.   Several days ago,  the word was postulate.   I looked it up.  Now, I am discovering why they come to me and how I can use them to
enhance understand what's really going on in my Life.   Others were "replete" ( I looked that up)
and found out what that meant.   Surprised that I was,  that it meant,  hey,  enough already.  You have plenty of the word of GOD, in you.  Repeating more scripture, etc.  isn't what's necessary.   I already know enough and am sure enough of the reliability of our "creator" to sink a ship !  Ha ha !

Another was "extrapolate",  that too explained why I needed to rely on what I know-to-be-true,  and
use that knowledge.  So, again a word keeps popping up.  I'll take it to task,  and begin to express
the true experiences I keep running into.  To "postulate"  is to assume something is true when it isn't.
Words are sooooo powerful.  For years and years,  I wake up or go-to-bed, or whatever,  my body starts to lose "part of me".  Now, after knowing the wonderful power and reliability of God,  and this keeps on happening,  it cannot be Him and now I KNOW, that's it's neither one.  Throughout Life,  when my emotions or psyche can't handle or express it's true feelings,  that part of me,  just purely evacuates my being.   You know, we all have something that just doesn't seem to work right.  After this happened this morning and I "talked-to-God about it,  I began to stop that tactic and realize this is not God's doing,  This is my Life and I have to deal with it.  So,  I talked to me.  Now,  I am starting to get it.  

I will wait for that to return to me.  It's somewhere in the universe,  but it always returns to me and fills the spaces in my brain.  I am completely sure my "spirit" is whole.  But my soul has some issues with emotions.  And for now,  it is what it is.   I mustered enough courage to take on what's true and not simply wait for God to explain it or do whatever I thought He did,  to make that happen.  So,  it's not Him,  but it is a part of who I am. God isn't punishing me.  He stopped that long ago.  So the "only" explanation that makes sense to me,  is it's me,  pure & simple!   I take responsibilty for this "malady" and now I can .  I do not like it one single bit.   But,  I can do it now.   I don't postulate anymore. 

So,  this morning,  I wait for the return of my psyche and go from there.   Asking for "clarity" is a real
eye-opener in all things.   Keeping on blaming God,  and then "praising God" is really a ploy from within.  And I for one,   get too emotional about the goodness of God for helping me.   Gee whiz,  that's the nature of one-so dear.   His goodness is constant,  that IS reliable!  

On a clear day,  rise and look around you and you'll see who you are .... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:)

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