Sunday, October 4, 2015


I' m back ...... 

by:  Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson _author/publisher

Once upon a time,  I Kat,  sat down at my laptop,  whipped out a blog
practically without a single notice to me.  Rarely did I go back and read those that I had written.( well,  editing, that sort of thing,  you know? )  Time changes things.  I changed.  And then,  "Life"  threw curve balls,  I choked,  then faced  facts,  I could not write at all.  With time and facing this unwelcomed fact,  I can and am getting back to NOT my old self,  but someone "new" to me.

I'm no speedy - Gonzales anymore.   It pleases me to be able to say that this morning.   To "wait",  now is very much who I am,   rather than something I had to make myself do.   It's comfortable.   I have the privilege to "experience"  "Life"  here and now.   No,   I hadn't the "knowledge" or "awareness"  that I was rushing through it.

Wait ........waiting !    Nothing is more true about "living" than the glaring
"fact"  that waiting "IS".   Just to "mix-it-up"  with phrases,  how's this ?
"CONSTANT change "  _   "KNOW - ledge"   _  ? ? ,   Then,  on purpose,  I speed things up  then slow down.   I then "switch" the type of "music",  different genres,  loudness,  softnessetc.    Intentionally,  I am a train wreck of my own making.  Maybe you don't believe this is "safe" for you.   then, do not do it!

The word "Know-ledge" is what I interpret to mean,  all the things you "DO",
know from your heart,   even if it's this fact " I don't know".   A basic "platform" for us humans is to admit to ourselves ,  " I don't know " .   The most helpful and courageous  " truth  is saying this when you need to.  This is
an example of "know-ledge",  something you know or have learned with experience.  " CONtent or ConTENT" WORDS",  they are,  and they are
useful in endless ways.  Anyone with me on this ?  Have you been helped
by the power of "WORDS"?   I HAVE !!   ( One example : 22 years of uncontrollable depression.)  It's gone now,  for "forever".................using only
"WORDS" ! 

There is  " Peace",  ....  I know !! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...............................................:)




1 comment:

  1. For me to say that I used "ONLY" words is NOT accurate. However that IS where I began to "fix" my now, manageable and capable LIFE. Still, I am extremely proud that I am not now nor have I been using any drugs ( prescription or otherwise,) My belief is that my mind & body would be way too muddied by chemicals for enough clarity to respond to helpful new concepts.
