Morning everyone, any resemblance ? |
by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher
Do I look anything like Evander Holyfield ? Well, I think not! "BUT", for the past 2 months at least, this name has been coming to me, repeatedly ! I hear it and usually, I chuckle. I chuckle, because I have been "in training" for years upon years for the "emancipation" of my "heart" and "soul". As I walk the highways and by ways, day after day, enhancing this body and giving it the strength to "endure" practically anything. I just waltzed into this activity quite unsuspectingly. Hadn't a "clue" how long or how far or how much to walk from the get-go !
This "training" began in Glendale CA, three years ago. At 4:00 am, I struck out, (with my walker) walking out of Leisure Vale Assisted Living, turning left and strolled up the hills on sidewalks among beautiful homes. Often I came upon, sprinklers coming on automatically and had to make a little detour or remember to go across the other side of the street. It is the "greatest" time to be out, at night or as was my practice, early in the am. Birds, birds chirping in their very own trees. The moon and skies were breath-taking. The air was fresh. Fresh air because, there were no cars emitting fumes from their exhausts. I signed out of the building at L. V. and bid adoo to the night receptionists. What a jolly, friendly , very nice set of receptionists, that I had the privilege of knowing . There was Josie and Hasmik. I am so indebted to them for LIFE.
My "greatests" personal discoveries came from that "robust" walk up and down the the hills of
Glendale communties. There were plenty of street lights. I walked usually around 45 minutes.
My "entire" WORLD, inside and outside began to change.
So, now here in Ojai, CA, I continue to walk, but not at night anymore, since it's pitch black in this country surrounding where I live. I do, however get up and shower and head out the door as early as possible. ( 6:30-7:00 am). I always take my camera and get shots of the joggers, horses in stable, doggies on leashes, vistas that are spectacular. Walking, for me, is MORE than an excersize, it's a way of LIFE and the benefits , I repeat have given me "newness" of Life and a "stout" body comes along with the "DEAL". Very few times ( very few- I can count on one hand), have I had to take a break. Not from tiredness or "physicality", but my "emotions" warranted a period of "quietness" within. Sitting _still, and just simply waiting, not really knowing what for, just waiting. I learned "SO" many things by just _ "sitting still", no noises , nothing turned on, making certain everything was perfectly " STILL. Just the "sweet sound of "quietness" and your own "soul".
I started this "TRAINING" ( Evander Holyfield training), in 2013. It will soon be 2016 ! And today I continue to walk with oodles of pictures, blogs and delightful friends & animals, ( i.e, horses ( Darth and Luke & Red,) & (Fred _doggie & his master) ( Jaimie with baby "Clare Rose" inside her tummy ), (Dennis, a friend recovering from a fall resulting in breaking a hip) and so many more under my belt. A litany of "TREASURES" simply from walking "TRAINING"
if you will !!! ( These friends picture & their stories, I mentioned can be found on "ONE STEP CLOSER", ____ by Kat ( Mary) Carlson ( me) ................. :)
* Happy Trails * |
(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ......................................................................................................................:)
Update : In looking back, the "Evander Holyfield" shout out from beyond, probably had to do with the "fighting back spirit" from inside me, and refusal to surrender to non-violence. ! I also heard from within " War is Not the Answer" know, that song, Brother , brother, war is not the answer !!!!! I fought my own self, tooth and nail. It developed so many years ago, I didn't even recognize what I was doing to myself. I am Evander Holyfield ______ no more !!!
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