Friday, October 9, 2015


        Maybe I can qualify for an old maid school teacher ? 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Maybe I could,   if you don't count my three grown sons and 6 grandchildren
plus there's those three great grandchildren.    :)    Anywho,  I did want to be a teacher many years ago. 

So,  I am using this forum for my chance at attempting to get across a few concepts I gleaned and am gleaning the last few years plus some before that
and then the ongoing subsequent years.   Perfunctory came to my mind and as I usually do,  I looked it up in Websters dictionary.

Perfunctory: _ to go about doing business without care or enthusiasm. Just happy to get through the day.    Being a believer in my creator God  ( going with God is synonymus with enthusiasm),  I almost got away with denying the fact that I admit to being perfunctory lately.    At least part of me.  Now,
that part is hard put in finding what I though I had already found.  

Having said that very thing,   I am reminded that that ( what I found)  is  
never lost.  So,  why do I keep looking,   who -the-heck knows ?  Well,  suffice it to say,  that I goof up a lot!  I stumble and fall,  then   get right back up again,
and then I stumble again.  It's "my life" so I can do what I want or look at what I want.  Examining "me"  was never a priority before,  I went right ahead following "Susie" or "Theresa" down the street and married and had children,  the whole nine yards,  the house with the picket fence,  etc.

I bumped headlong into years of depression (22).  Fortunately,  my children managed to put together lives that are deemed quite successful in this world.
It's my turn now.  Depression, a thing of the past and my soul is resting ( for the most part).  At the very core of my being, ( my heart)  there is PEACE,  and having that stationed there  ,  I get to explore and explore. 

Perfunctory,  you know,  life offers many variables.  "Perfunctorianism " is
just another one of them.  I can be dull,  excited, whatever,  it's life after all,
a mix of experiences.  I am happy I get to take it all in.


As long as I have established a "safe place" within,   I am restless at times too.   It
 can be exhilarating and scary.  my safe place ?    Is "LOVE "!

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .........................................................................:)

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